Greek coffee cake with wholegrain tahini glaze
- 250 gr farina
- 250 gr butter
- 240 gr sugar
- 5 eggs
- 300 grGreek-styleyogurt
- 1 vanillaflavor
- 20 grGreekcoffee
- 300 grwholegraintahini
- 40 gr icing sugar
- 40 gr honey
- 1 gr powdered cardamom
Inthemixer, beatthebutterwiththesugaruntil creamy. With the mixer still in operation, add the eggs one by one. Add the yogurt followed by the flour and vanilla flavor and continue mixing. Finally, add the coffee. Place the mixture in a buttered cake mold;preheat the oven at 180οC and bake for 1 hour. Whenthecakeisready, allowittocoolandplaceitonan oblong platter. For the glaze, mix all the materials very well together in a bowl. Driptheglazeoverthecakeanddustlightly with coffee.
Preptime 20 min
Ready in 1.5 hours